Servicing Perris and the Surrounding Areas for Over 30 Years

We have had the privilege to serve our community for over 30 years, allowing us to offer exactly what our clients need - Experience, Reliability & Year Round Support


Despite ever changing laws, our knowledgeable tax preparers ensure that you receive the best quality returns that maximize your refunds.


Year after year, generation after generation, our clients remain loyal, knowing that they can turn to us for someone devoted and dependable.


We pride ourselves in being able to provide you with support all year round - giving you the ability to come to us if any concerns or issues were to arise.

Meet Our team

"A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players" Steve Jobs - - - - - Our dedicated team is here to provide you the best service in all your Tax and Medicare needs

Benjamin Ramirez


Interested in family, business, and serving the community with integrity.

Alma J Ramirez

Office Manager

Having stepped up along side her husband, Alma has been able to efficiently and positively guide the Office into what it is today - a great place for both Clients and Employees

Mariana Slemmer

Tax Preparer | Notary

With more than 20 years of experience, Mariana is able to assist you with your Income Tax questions - whether it's your first time filing or you're a LLC filing corporative Taxes, Mariana's knowledge and expertise has no bound

More Information

Questions You May Have

Available Plans We Offer

As individual agents – we are able to offer you the most options instead of limiting you to one plan! the following are only a few of the Medicare Options we offer:

Owe the IRS or FTB?

Owing the government, whether it be the Federal or State is no fun. So here are a few things to keep in mind to keep things as simple as possible. Make it a priority to Read more…


Need more time to file your Taxes? Last day to file Taxes for 2024 Season is April 18, 2024. If you need more time to file your 2024 Taxes, you can file for an Extension Read more…

Economic Impact Payment

2021 Stimulus In early 2021, the Federal Government sent out the Third Economic Impact Payment or Stimulus to most qualifying individuals. If you received this $1400 per person stimulus, a letter, Letter 6475, should be Read more…

Turning 65?

Entering your Golden years has its perks Did you know upon that upon turning 65 you are eligible to receive Medicare coverage through the Federal gov’t. This Health Insurance is for all qualified Individuals, who Read more…

Get in Touch

We're just a phone call away.

Find us at the office

325 S "D" St Perris, CA, 92570

Give us a ring

Tax             951.943.4230
Medicare   951.462.7283
Monday – Friday  9AM - 5PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday  -  Closed

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